John Hickenlooper - US Senator

Happy Birthday to John Hickenlooper, a friend since the 80s. We met then when he had a wacky idea of starting a beer pub and renovating an old warehouse on skid row. This was during a recession. Downtown Denver was distressed. John opened the Wynkoop Brewery down the street from Rockmount. It was one of the first brew pubs in the country. I helped him get his liquor license.
A lot of beer has passed under that bridge. John ran for Denver mayor. We thought it was a hoot. Even my father, Jack B. (a moderate Republican and state party leader), supported him – not because he had little chance but because he is our friend. Much to everyone’s surprise he beat the machine and won, breaking political cronyism for 8 years. That led to his becoming Governor of Colorado, another 8 years. Now he is US Senator, still wearing Rockmount.
John never missed a chance to mention his friendship with our family when wearing Rockmount at events. John led economic development and revitalization because he as a small businessman he understands business reality, unlike so many bureaucrats. We are proud to call him friend.


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